Video: What (not) to wear under a kilt at the Appowila Highland Games – Rapalje Show #27

MaxGalleria GalleryThis will be a different Rapalje Show than you might be used to. In this show we’re going to vlog during the Appowila Highland Games!

The T-shirt I’m wearing is from a band called Prima Nocta. Check them out in our Rapalje Show T-shirt Playlist and the link in the description

And let me know in the comments if you like this type of Rapalje Shows

And what you’d like to see in the upcoming episodes

Be easy and free and enjoy!

Continue reading “Video: What (not) to wear under a kilt at the Appowila Highland Games – Rapalje Show #27”

Video: Do you want to know what’s under the Scotsman’s Kilt?

Under the Scotsman’s Kilt

A Scotsman clad in kilt left the bar one evening fair
And one could tell by how he walked he’d drunk more
than his share
He tumbled on until he could no longer keep his feet
he stumbled off into the grass to sleep beside the

Continue reading “Video: Do you want to know what’s under the Scotsman’s Kilt?”